Saturday, December 12, 2015

LASM Field Trip

I love taking my friends to the Louisiana Arts and Science Museum.  We participated in the Bugs, Beetles and Butterfly class, attended "The Little Star that Could" planetarium show and had so much fun exploring in the Discovery Depot.  We concluded our day with a yummy meal at McDonald's. Such a "bee"utiful day filled with many new discoveries and so much fun!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Chemical Reactions

My Busy Bees enjoyed creating “Elephant's Toothpaste” this week.  We've discussed chemical reactions for weeks and even composed a song about chemical reactions. We've had so much fun learning about and exploring different chemical reactions! Elephant's toothpaste is the result of a chemical reaction that creates a rapid expansion of foam.  It looks like a volcano of foam that produces so much foam an elephant could use it as toothpaste! Chemical reactions are always so much fun to create and fascinating for children to observe!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Evaporation and Condensation

We had a blast exploring condensation and evaporation with chemistry students from L.S.U.  Evaporation and condensation are two processes by which matter changes from one state to another.  We loved creating vapor clouds and shrinking balloons in liquid nitrogen.  It was interesting to observe the amount of liquid present inside the balloons once they had been in contact with the liquid nitrogen. Several of my friends concluded that they would like to become a chemist when they grow up. What a great day filled with so much learning and fun investigating in K!