Friday, September 11, 2020

Cloud in a Cup - Drink it Up!


We conducted a neat science experiment today that we observed and enjoyed drinking after. A cloud in a cup gave my friends a chance to explore clouds and rain in a hands-on and engaging way! We even added red sprinkles for lightning. We had so much fun concluding our introduction to weather this week. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Hip Hip Hooray for DNA!


 We enjoyed exploring how unique & special we are. On Friday, we created edible models of a strand of DNA. 
Hip hip hooray for DNA. 
It provides to key. 
To the plans for making everything in you and me!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Atmosphere - Experimenting with Liquid Nitrogen


We had a blast exploring the atmosphere this afternoon. Many thanks to our L.S.U. chemistry friends for helping us conduct the awesome experiments. Freezing roses, watching balloons shrink and expand as they warm up again and our favorite liquid nitrogen ice cream. An amazing afternoon filled with exploring, investigating and so much learning!

Thursday, January 30, 2020


We loved our visit from "Seed Survivor" My students left with a better understanding that plants need water, light, healthy soil and nutrients to survive. They also learned about where their food comes from and the importance of agriculture to their daily lives. They loved planting sunflower seeds to take home and grow! We appreciate Seed Survivor coming to visit us at North Live Oak. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Polymers, Solubility, and Recycling

A HUGE shout out to the L.S.U. chemistry department. We had some awesome students visit and teach us more about the importance of taking care of our environment and what biodegradable means. We loved the activity they allowed us to take part in called, "Disappearing Styrofoam and Starch".

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pumpkins, Buoyancy, Germination and More!

What a wonderful time my Busy Bees had investigating pumpkins and seeds this week! We explored pumpkins, sink and float, germination and more. We discovered that pumpkins are buoyant and float! We learned a song about buoyancy. We enjoyed having a special guest reader, too. It's been a great week of learning and discovery!