Thursday, February 10, 2022

Frost in a Can 🥶

In our discussions on winter weather, we decided to attempt to create frost. We predicted if we thought we could, and most of us said yes. We had so much fun creating and exploring condensation. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Magnet Explorations

My busy bees had so much fun exploring the properties of magnets. Investigating with magnets provides loads of scientific fun for all ages, and it improves coordination and fine motor skills, too.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Force and Motion - Pushes and Pulls

We had a great week investigating forces and motion by differentiating between pushes and pulls. We planned and conducted investigations on the playground using swings and in the classroom using our ramp set and toy cars.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Investigating Chlorophyll

My "Busy Bees" had an exciting time investigating chlorophyll in leaves. The students captured chlorophyll from different leaves & experimented to uncover the hidden colors in leaves. What amazing young scientists they're becoming! Critical thinking skills are enhanced during hands-on science activities. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 We were Paleontologist today. Digging through dinosaur eggs and discovering the different species inside. A bit messy, but oh so fun!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Happy Birthday George Washington!


 We had so much fun learning about our first President, George Washington. We celebrated with Cherry Turnovers discussing the famous legend/myth of young George cutting down the cherry tree with his hatchet and telling his Pa that he could not tell a lie. We reviewed that George Washington is on the quarter and one-dollar bill. What an awesome group of K friends I have the privilege of teaching.