Friday, September 13, 2019

Investigating Weather - Cloud in a Jar

We celebrated an awesome week with an amazing and simple science experiment, Cloud in a Jar! A cloud in a jar is a weather science experiment that gave my Busy Bees a chance to explore clouds and rain in a hands-on and engaging way! They enjoyed watching the colored water seep down through the shaving cream and into the water below. Just like rain! After working up an appetite experimenting, we enjoyed some awesome cookies from Ryder, our Student of the Week. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Love starting the year with STEM. These centers are some of our favorites! My friends are awesome engineers & so creative. It's going to "BEE" a great year!

Friday, March 29, 2019

African Animals Dioramas

Look a predator!

We enjoyed learning about Africa this week and researching African Animals. We learned that Africa is home to some of the most well known animals in the world! The African Elephant was one of our favorites! We finished our study by creating dioramas of our favorite African Animals. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Experimenting with Acids and Bases

Thank you to L.S.U. chemistry students for bringing some awesome experiments to teach us about acids and bases this morning. We loved learning about an acid-based reaction called a "neutralization reaction.” Such a fun and exciting spring morning filled with so much discovery!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Chemical Reaction Party

We've explored chemical reactions throughout the year and composed a new song about chemical reactions. We've had so much fun learning about and exploring different chemical reactions! Today, we invited Mrs. Lemoine's class over for some classic chemical reactions. Chemical reactions are always so fun to create and fascinating to observe! We enjoyed our chemical reaction party!


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Our Kansas City Pig Farm Virtual Field Trip

My friends were able to participate in a virtual field trip with classes from across the country visiting a Kansas Pig Farm through the use of video conferencing. We were able to walk through a barn with a pig farmer and communicate with farmers in real time during our virtual pig farm tour. I received some great instructional materials & a wonderful book entitled, Kailey's Pig Tales, for our classroom library!